UMCA & UA Local 140 Bargaining New Agreement
The bargaining committees for the UMCA and UA Local 140 opened negotiations last month and are working diligently to negotiate a successor agreement that will benefit both sides. At this stage in negotiations, the level of communication and cooperation has drastically improved from years past, making both parties very optimistic about the future of the labor-management partnership. While negotiations have just begun, there has been a significant amount of time invested into developing mutual goals and objectives and priorities that both parties want to accomplish in the next agreement.
Both groups are focusing on items that are jointly meaningful, mutual, and measurable and believe that a progressive agreement will emerge in the end. The UMCA is represented by Robert Bergman – UMCA, Jason Bleak – Industrial Piping & Welding, Inc., Brett Christiansen – Palmer-Christiansen Company, Inc. and Patrick Lynch-CCI Mechanical. UA Local 140 is represented by John Stevenson – Business Manager, Jeremy Haslam – Business Agent, Jason Warner – Dispatch, Mark Elieson – E-Board Member, and alternate Brandon Marse. The current contract expires July 31st.