Professional Events
- Structured, professional educational seminars, forums and business meetings created with high quality subject matter. The UMCA events are scheduled in advance and are held on a monthly basis.
- Events and activities with an environment conducive to social enhancement, professional development and networking opportunities.
- Representation through a unified voice in legislative lobbying. Committee efforts are also made through the Utah Subcontractors Council, a legislative committee created for specialty contractors.
- Contractor representation on state boards and commissions of governmental agencies such as: Department of Facilities and Capital Management, Department of Professional and Occupational Licensing, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, The Plumbing and Licensing Board, The Contractors Licensing Board, The Building Code Commission, and The Plumbing Health Advisory Board.
- Contractor representation on employer related boards and commissions such as: UMCA Labor Negotiations Committee, UMCA Grievances Committee, UMCA Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee, Utah Pipe Trade Health and Welfare Committee, Utah Pipe Trades Pension Trust, etc.
- Monthly newsletter with articles that may include current events in the industry, financial advice and insights, legal summations, association events, board and commission developments and legislative progress.
- Membership Directory which is a quick reference provided to the membership, engineers, architects, general contractors, state and local agencies.
Supportive Staff and Leadership
- An Association office, with full time staff, working as directed toward the goals and objectives determined by the Board of Directors.
- The UMCA is a clearinghouse of information on industry standards, regulations and other related information and is staffed from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.
- UMCA is receptive, this is a toll free line available for all members to register their opinions and concerns.
- A liaison with architects, engineers, general and specialty contractors.
- A governing body of seven contractor members, diverse and noteworthy in their leadership capabilities.
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