Board Retreat Highlights
The UMCA Board of Directors and staff held its annual two day retreat in August at the Zermatt Resort in Midway, Utah. The leaders spent a great deal of time focusing on industry challenges and how might the Association best address those issues going forward. Primary areas of focus were: Member Education, Governmental Affairs, and Labor Relations. Over the two day period the board developed a comprehensive education calendar for 2023 with programs such as a two-day foreman training, new Energy Code training, and advanced scheduling. They reviewed a number of public policy issues impacting Utah’s Construction Industry and focused on growing the union contractors marketshare with our labor partners at UA Local 140. A great deal of time was spent developing a plan to grow the HVAC service sector with a scenario that would call for the development of a stand alone HVAC training center on the UCC campus. While there is still great deal of planning and work to be done to make this a reality, the commitment was clear and focused.