Special Request From The Utah Career Center Apprentice Program
The Utah Career Center is still looking for volunteers to be class evaluators for the Fall semester. Evaluators are asked to commit to attending one class, twice during the semester on nights that are decided in advance and fit the evaluator’s schedule.The purpose of Classroom Evaluator Feedback is to improve our training program by helping instructors be more effective teachers. Most instructors have expressed a desire to improve their teaching skills and evaluators are a vital step in achieving that goal. “The idea is to have trained individuals sit in with the classes and evaluate the instructor performance. The UA has a great program in place to train instructors, but without evaluators observing the instructors to help make corrections it is very easy for an instructor to misjudge their effectiveness,” says Will Nickell, Director of Training at the Utah Career Center.
Evaluators are tasked with identifying strong and weak points instructors may have. Feedback from evaluators is necessary and useful in helping instructors change classroom behaviors that hinder learning and ultimately weaken the apprentice program. For example, verbal ticks that may go unnoticed by the instructor like “uhm” and “uh” can be distracting. Additionally, letting a few apprentices dominate the discussion can allow classmates to shy away from asking valuable questions or come unprepared for class.Classroom Evaluators also provide insight into instructors’ preparation for class and adherence to UCC policies.
On Monday July 16 at 6:00PM the Utah Career Center will be conducting a training class on how to be an evaluator andall potential evaluators are required to attend. If you have the ability or any interest in the evaluator program or the training class contact Will Nickell or Mike Beckstead at (801) 295-6198 or email Will or Mike here.
Message From The Director Of Training At The Utah Career Center