Spring 2016 Education Series Lineup Released


The UMCA Board of Directors and staff have been working to identify and secure educational seminars for 2016 that will provide great opportunities for growth and continued improvement for UMCA members.  One of the topics that has been most requested among the UMCA membership is additional opportunities for Foreman Training.  In an effort to offer ample opportunity for training, the UMCA is hosting a two-part Foreman Training Series.  Two days of training will be offered in February and two additional days of training will be offered in May.  The February and May trainings will feature different, yet related, topics.  With that in mind, the UMCA’s Spring Education Series will feature the following seminars:

Foreman Training Part 1
by John Koontz, MCAA-NEI
February 19-20, 2016
Utah Career Center

Practical Applications of Lean Six Sigma Concepts to Improve Efficiency and Organizational Productivity
by James Schug, FMI
March 3, 2016
Utah Career Center

Six Habits of Highly Profitable Project Managers
by Tom Williams, MCAA-NEI
April 7, 2016
Utah Career Center

Foreman Training Part 2
by John Koontz, MCAA-NEI
May 13-14, 2016
Utah Career Center